S.C. ELEMENTE COMANDA AUTO S.A. addresses in an integrated way the following issues:
1. Organizational governance – incorporating the principles of social responsibility into decision-making and operational processes.
2. Human rights – respect for civil, political, economic, cultural and social rights. Not accepting any form of discrimination and forced labor. Employing young people, but only older than the legal limit accepted by the Labor Code.
3. Working conditions – responsible recruitment and promotion of employees, efficient complaints handling, employee training and development, safe work environment through health prevention, industrial safety and hygiene, performance and remuneration, working time complying labor law.
4. Environment – environmental risk assessment and management, application of pollution prevention measures, consideration of the product life cycle, clean and eco-efficient production
5. Business practices – the ethical behavior of the company in relation with other organizations, in order to generate responsible outputs.
6. Social involvement – S.C. ELEMENTE COMANDA AUTO S.A. must be a “good citizen”, with real involvement in activities which aims community progress and help disadvantaged factors.